Rick Simpson Oil is an extraordinary concentrated herbal oil containing many impressive medicinal potentials. RSO is an extremely gooey, sticky black tar-like substance. You will usually find RSO packed in small syringes for easy oral intake, topical application, as well as storage.
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What makes RSO an excellent choice for treating ailments of the mind and body is its unique two phase delivery system. The oil topically applied to the skin will have potent, therapeutic effects on the nervous system and the brain. Sublingually taken, the oil will reach the brain and the sublingual nervous system. Both of these sets of effects will stimulate the brain, producing mental clarity and allowing the user to think more clearly, focusing, and absorbing information.
There are many claims being made about what RSO is. Many claim it can cure everything from insomnia and chronic pain to addiction to cocaine and heroin. Some say it can also be used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, high levels of anxiety, high blood pressure, impotence, PMS, and menstrual problems. All this is possible because RSO contains two powerful natural anti-inflammatory herbs; Hydergalia vulgaris and Scutellaria lateriflora.
It is important to understand how to use what is RSO correctly if you want to reap its full therapeutic effects. To begin, it is not advisable to take what is RSO if you suffer from anxiety, depression, or if you are taking certain medications. Because it is a narcotic in its purest form, what is RSO may actually become habit forming over time. Also, if you choose to sublingualis what is RSO, it is recommended that you do not do it more than once or twice a day, and you should be able to feel the effects within five minutes. If you do not follow these instructions, then you may find yourself in an extremely dangerous situation, and if you are a professional being hypnotized, then you could be endangering your profession.
How to carry out what is RSO correctly is to not attempt to rub the oil directly into your skin. The reason for this is that it will not dissolve properly and will instead only be absorbed into your bloodstream. You should instead apply what is RSO topically to your skin with a tiny amount, then rinse your skin with cold water to ensure it has been absorbed. Once the oil has been applied to your skin, it is important that you allow it to stay on your skin for the longest amount of time possible. In order to ensure the fastest absorption rate, what is RSO is best applied as close to the top of the tingling pain as possible.
What is RSO and how it can help you is a controversial topic, but it has certainly gained a lot of scientific evidence recently. If you are interested in trying this particular oil extract, then RSO can be used as part of your cancer treatment. Extracts from what is RSO have shown properties which can destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue unharmed. Cancer patients who have taken extracts from what is RSO have shown a greater rate of success in their cancer treatments.